
A Full-stack web application for ordering your food in a restaurant without waiting for the waitress. Why wait? When you can Waitless! Scan the QR code on your table and send the order to the kitchen.
This Group Project was created as a final assignment for Dev Academy .
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Project Overview

The Waitless application was built using TypeScript, React, Node.js, and SQLite3. The app has a simple and intuitive user interface that guides customers through the ordering process. I was part of the front-end development team which consisted of Phatt, Sean Kim and Myself and we were tasked with creating a responsive design that looks great on both desktop and mobile devices. The back-end team which consisted of Sean Strickland and Caroline who were tasked with implementing the payment gateway and database integration. Since the final project for Dev Academy only allowed for 1 week to plan, develop and deploy, as a team we decided to be clear with our intentions about how we were going to approach the project. We started by creating a rough plan on a white board which would be later refined using Trello. Once we had an outline we split the team into two groups and we were each assigned components to work on and write tests for.
